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List custom field values together

Graham Rous October 30, 2022

Hi all,

I have Trello custom fields that contain customer details such as name, address, email, and phone.

I have to copy and paste all the information as a group to other apps. Is it possible to create a rule that lists the values of the fields, together, so it can be copied easily? For example, I'd like the data to output like this:

Client name

123 Long St, Big Town


It would be ideal if it could appear in the description (in addition to the existing description) after completion of all the fields. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks,



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Allen -Amazing PowerUps-
Rising Star
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October 31, 2022

I don't know of a way to do that with standard Custom Fields.  You could do something like that with Amazing Fields .  The general idea would be to collect your informaton on the client into some text amazing fields, and then create a multi-line text field with a formula that appends all the other values together into one other field.

If you wanted, you could even use visibility rules to make it so only you see that combined field or "hide" it behind a section tab so it isn't always front and center.

Graham Rous November 1, 2022

Hi Allen,

That's very helpful, I'll look into Amazing fields.

Thanks very much!


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