Is there a way to have a workspace member added to a board based on a trigger?

Kaylee Broadfield
I'm New Here
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July 26, 2024

If a board is created from a specific template (which the workspace member is the admin of), is there a way to automate so that this workspace member is added to it? 


Is there a way to set up a button that adds a member to a card if they aren't already on the board? OR is there a way to set up a board button to add a member to the board? 

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Alisson Sartor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 29, 2024

Hello, Kaylee!

There's currently no way to automate adding a member; the process needs to be done manually. In the documentation below there are all the steps to adding a member to a board.

Kind Regards
Trello Team

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