Is there a way to go directly to editing when adding card?

Robert Campbell March 27, 2019

When I add a card I immediately want to add a label and due date.  Right now it is a two step process.  I'm using it to enter repair projects which will always have things like due dates, labels and so on.

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Iain Dooley
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March 27, 2019

@Robert Campbell you can use Keyboard shortcuts to good effect in both the desktop app and web interface:

For example when you add a card, hold shift and hit enter to open the card at the same time as creating it.

If you add a card but just want to add label/due date without opening the card, hit enter then esc. The card will have focus, so just hit "l" (lower case L not upper case i) to choose a label, and "d" to add a due date.

Robert Campbell March 28, 2019

OK.  That is just as many if not more steps.  I was hoping to be able to add details (labels, due date, etc.) when creating the card especially on the app as I would want to use it in the shop away from the PC.  Is there any chance of adding this?  

Also is there anyway to have the default date be today's date?  Entering a job when it arrives should default to today not tomorrow (?).  Would help if that were sortable too.  Thanks in advance, Bob

Iain Dooley
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March 28, 2019

@Robert Campbell you can automate with the Butler power up quite easily to set the due date to 24 hours from when a card is created.

You could also create automations that will label cards based on things like list name, time of day, board name or who created the cards, automatically add members, etc. It's very powerful.

Robert Campbell March 29, 2019

Thanks for the reply.  It wasn't the due date I was concerned about as that would change for me.  It is the 'arrived date' which for some reason always shows tomorrow's date.  This seems like more of a bug than on purpose since it makes more sense that the arrived date isn't in the future.  If that is on purpose maybe adding a setting that allows the person to set it to today's date (that is the date the card is created).

As for Butler, I remember seeing it as part of the features but looking all over the app I don't see it.  If we use it on the PC will the features carry over to the app?

Another thing, and I am not trying to be difficult, but in using Trello I see a lot of potential for my needs but simple things that seem like they should exist pop up (like the date thing or being able to edit a new card in the same step as creating it).  One I noticed was the inability to delete a card from the webpage but you can from the app.  I was making test cards to get a feel for what/where/how I could use Trello and I couldn't delete a card from my PC!  Seems like an oversight 

Iain Dooley
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March 29, 2019

@Robert Campbell I don't know what you mean by "arrived date".

Butler rules will execute regardless of device because they are triggered by things like list moves and due dates, but I don't think buttons are available on the app yet.

You need to enable the butler power up before you can use it:

You can delete cards from the web and desktop app, you just have to archive them first. 

Robert Campbell March 30, 2019

I wanted to add for anyone looking for similar answers - I set Butler to a rule where a new card is added the 'Date Arrived' custom date field (powerup) it will put today's date and time.  Works like a charm.  Thanks again Iain!

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Robert Campbell March 29, 2019

I did enable Butler and joined Gold to try to get the most out of Trello.  I even setup a Butler button.

What I mean by 'arrived date' is, setting up a custom field power up for date (in my case I named it arrived date) and the default is always tomorrow's date, which doesn't make much sense.  No matter what one would use a date field for, today's date is a pretty obvious default.  This would be useful for noting when the card was created since you can have it show on the main board screen.  Is there anyway to set this?

Thanks for all your help so far!

Iain Dooley
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March 29, 2019

@Robert Campbell Hmm custom fields don't have default values. When you create a card with a custom date field you have to set the date.

However the date selector in trello typically just starts on the last date you used.

You can also set custom field values when cards are created using Butler.

Robert Campbell March 30, 2019

Typically the due date will go to the last one used.  But the custom field power up generally goes to tomorrow's date.  I'll have to explore Butler more now that I went with the Gold option and can use more features.  Thanks again for your help!

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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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March 27, 2019

@Robert Campbellunfortunately this is not directly possible from the web interface in the browser.

Robert Campbell March 27, 2019

Actually, I should have said, from the app.

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