Is there a Trello automation that allows me to add myself to all the items in an advanced Checklist?

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June 2, 2023

I use advanced checklists to keep track of all my tasks and keep myself accountable. That means that I build many checklists, for any activity that I need to do within a project card. I have to end up building the 10 or so tasks (some times a lot more) in each card, defining a date for each, and then adding myself over and over to each task.

I've tried using butler to create a column where I just drag the card and I get added to all items in that card, but the automations, as they are set up today, do not allow for that unless the automation includes the creation of the item in the checklist, then I can add myself. So I've been able to do this for activities where the tasks are pre-known. I just drag the card to the column, and each item is added to the checklist with me as responsible.

However, there are projects where we define the tasks on the go, in that case, butler cannot add me (there is no pre-known checklist item to attach myself to) and I do need to add myself manually to each task.

Is there a way to automate this? Thanks!

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June 2, 2023

Sorry... will answer this one myself.

In looking at other questions, I found out about the cascade actions.

So to add myself, I just added a "for each item in the card" + Add me and it worked!

Brittany Joiner
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June 4, 2023

Yes this is it! Happy automating!

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