Is it possible to automate a card that has been on a list for 1 month to be moved to another list?

Laura Garcia Mozo December 13, 2022

We need to be able to automate a card that has been on a list for 1 month to be moved to another list. Is it possible? How can I automate this?


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Brittany Joiner
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December 13, 2022

@Laura Garcia Mozo yes! i do something like this with my meal planning board to keep recently cooked meals in one list, and then automatically move them back to their "original" list when it's been a month since i've made it. 

You can do this pretty simply by going to Automation --> Calendar, and selecting a trigger for "every day", and then an action under "move cards" for moving all cards more than 30 days in the list to another list. Should look like this!



Laura Garcia Mozo December 14, 2022

@Brittany Joiner Thank you very much, I found your answer very helpful.

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Brittany Joiner
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December 14, 2022

@Laura Garcia Mozo awesome!! glad to help!

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