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Individual users do not see all columns

Zuzana Parobková
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April 5, 2023

Hello, is it possible to configure within one dashboard that individual users do not see all columns, but only those in which they have assigned tasks?

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Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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April 5, 2023

Hi @Zuzana Parobková ,

welcome to the Atlassian Community!

AFAIK there’s no such functionality.

Is it possible to share more details, why do you need such thing? Thank you.

Zuzana Parobková
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 5, 2023

@Hana Kučerová Thank you for the not-so-positive answer. :-)

We have 5 users in our team and within one project each of them has their own tasks. However, we often deal with tasks where we don't want some participants to see the details - this is sensitive data.

But we don't want to solve this with new bulletin boards.

Can you think of any ways we could solve this? :)

Thank you!

Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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April 5, 2023

Thank you, @Zuzana Parobková .

To be honest I would leave Trello and use Jira instead. I cannot imagine doing such things in Trello.

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