I want to change the completed status of several checklist items on cards with the same name on

Ayoade ADERELE October 23, 2023

I have:

  1. created a card with a checklist on it
  2. copied the card to multiple lists
  3. created new cards from one of the checklists into a new list called common tasks

I now need to update the completed status of the checklist items on each list by updating the completed status of the corresponding card in the list called common tasks

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Brittany Joiner
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October 23, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE welcome to the community! I'm a little confused about exactly what you're looking for, but i think its basically syncing cards and checklists, right? I made a couple videos about this!



Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

Hallo Brittany,

Thanks for these.

I have reviewed the first of your videos, but will now go through the second

Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

Hallo again Brittany,

To be more specific, here is the challenge I am working on

Board Snippet1.pngBoard Snippet2.png

I have a board that has Two cards with the same name on the first 2 lists as shown in Board Snippet1.

Each of the two has the same checklist on them as shown in Board Snippet2.

I want to be able to set the Completed Status on a card with the same name in Board Snippet1.

This is the rule I have created:

when the due date is marked as complete in a card in list "Common Activities", find a card titled "{triggercardname}" on board "{boardname}", for each checklist item in a checklist named "TestCheckList", check item "TestCheckItem"

However it only works on the first checklist and then stops.

How do I set it to go through all the checklists on the board that have the same name?

Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

@Brittany Joiner This is just to call your attention to my responses.

Thanks for your help thus far

Brittany Joiner
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October 24, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE thanks for the tag! I didn't see responses til you tagged me. 

Could you use the check all the items in all the checklists of a card action? 


Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

Sorry @Brittany Joiner I forgot to tag you...New to this :-)


I will try this, but I suspect what I need is something that will:

check all lists for a particular checklist and tag an item on the lists

Brittany Joiner
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October 24, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE hmm, yeah that is tough. I'm not entirely sure since there's not a way that i know of to iterate through checklists. 

I wonder if they were all named the same thing if that would work? Could you make all the checklists have the same name?

Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

@Brittany Joiner  Yes, they all have the same name.

The cards are all named TestCard 


The checklists are all named TestCheckList


The items are all named TestCheckItem



Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

@Brittany Joiner I guess what I am looking for is to be able to iterate through the lists looking for cards with the same name

Brittany Joiner
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October 24, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE i think your rule

find a card titled "{triggercardname}" on board "{boardname}",

is doing that right? Looking for other cards with the same name?

Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

@Brittany Joiner Correct. However, it finds the first of such cards, performs the required action and ends. How do I get it to look for more of such cards with the same name

Brittany Joiner
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October 24, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE ah okay, i thought you were saying it only did the first checklist. i think i see what you mean now, but im not sure i can help 😭

I will say that i think you're looking at using the multiplier concept, which i haven't used yet. 


You can learn more about it here!

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Ayoade ADERELE October 24, 2023

@Brittany Joiner Thanks for this tip. I will try it and let you know how things go

Brittany Joiner
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October 24, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE good luck!! you've got this!!

Ayoade ADERELE October 25, 2023

@Brittany Joiner Thanks for your encouragement; I found a way to make it work as I want.

Although it's not as elegant a solution as I would have liked since it may require too much pre-setup of the automation.

Here it is, perhaps you can show me a better way:

when the due date is marked as complete in a card in list "Common Activities", find a card titled "TestCard" in list "Payments Facilitation" on board "{boardname}", check item "TestCheckItem", find a card titled "TestCard" in list "Agency Services" on board "{boardname}", check item "TestCheckItem", find a card titled "TestCard" in list "Insurance & Micropension" on board "{boardname}", for each checklist item in a checklist named "TestCheckList", check item "TestCheckItem"

Turns out that I have to explicitly describe each checklist on each card to make things work

Brittany Joiner
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October 30, 2023

@Ayoade ADERELE yeah i don't have any better ideas other than the multiplier, which i am assuming you tried and didn't work. 

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