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I need help adding a full checklist to a “custom field” for a board

Monica Garcia Pantoja
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July 26, 2023

I have gone to a board,  on the right top corner there are three little dots which leads you to the board menu, and then there’s an option to hit custom fields. That is usually how you make the templates for the new cards. We used to have a checklist Which included the name of the checklist and boxes underneath you can check off or add to.which included the name of the checklist and boxes you can check off or add. It only lets me add the list separately. So I I am forced to add checklist after checklist I cannot get  them gouped together. Please help im on my knees 😭

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 27, 2023

Hey @Monica Garcia Pantoja! I'm so sorry to hear that you're having difficulty creating a template card on your board. I understand how frustrating it can be when things don't go as planned. It looks like you've already submitted a ticket about this issue, so why don't we continue to communicate through that channel? One of our team members will be in touch soon to help you out. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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