How to use linking from task to task

Vítězslav Herman November 8, 2023

Hi, I want to ask..

I have boards, in boards columns, in column tasks. In tasks I can create column lists.

Can I somehow connect for example two tasks/task in column list, so if any of it will be done, it will connect me to the another one?

something like

1) need to accept money from this customer

2) when I mark task1 as completed, I need to show me the notification, that I should pay that supplier.

so it should work like WBS map.


I understand, I can make a column list, where I will just add the tasks from the first one - which has to be done first, and then I add others, which I can then do with it..

but that doesnt solve, that I for example need to have multiple tasks in different columns and I need the possibility to refer-to see, what I should do, after that task is done.


doing this as written in the sentence before and also have it separately in another task, where it will be in column list, to can see it clearly sounds like nonsense for me, as I have to register the same data twice.. so I am thinking, if you have any automatization for it, as I believe, I am not the only one, who needs that functionality.




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Mutya A
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 14, 2023

Hi Vítězslav,

Thanks for sharing with us your use case! Just so we can align on the terms that you're using, can I confirm if these are correct:

  • boards = Trello boards
  • columns = Trello lists
  • tasks = Trello cards
  • column lists = Trello checklists
  • task 1 = Trello checklist item 1

    Trello Board: 2023-11-15_12-19-05.png

Trello card:


Let me know if this isn't the case. I just want to understand before I can come up with ways to approach it. You can share some screenshots as well so I can better understand your use case. Thank you!

Sharing this as well if this helps:

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