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How to use Trello to manage multiple projects/tasks

Dimitri Hofman May 11, 2018


In my search for a good online tool to manage my daily work, I decided to give Trello a go. I have already read many comments and watched a couple of youtube video's, however, my main question remains unanswered.

I am normally involved in about 20 projects, some of them as a project manager, for other projects, I am a team member.

All projects basically have a number of tasks that need to be completed. I haven't figured out yet how to plan these tasks efficiently. 

Let me give an example of what I am struggling with. Let's say that there is project 1 and project 2, each have 3 tasks to be completed. If different boards are used for each project, how do I avoid that I plan to complete task 1 of each project on the same day, given that each task would take 1 day to complete.

How can I quickly see if deadlines of certain tasks are in conflict with tasks from other projects. I am searching for some global overview so I do not need to go through every project again and again when a new tasks comes in or a dealine is shifted.

Hope there is a good solution for this in Trello.


Thanks in advance for your comments.

4 answers

1 vote
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 14, 2018

The best way to see all cards that have been assigned to you is by visiting the 'My Cards' page at

Are you familiar with that page? On that page you can sort all the cards that you are a member of - across all boards- either by board or by due date.

This should then give you a clear overview of all upcoming tasks from all different boards.

Deleted user June 2, 2023

I've had the same problem. I'm on maybe my third or fourth try of Trello over the years and My Cards doesn't really help much.

0 votes
Lisette Gómez
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 30, 2019

Hi Dimitri,

I used to use Trello but ran into the same issue.  I couldn't view tasks from multiple projects  on a single "Board" style interface.  I've looked around and found that most project management tools have this problem (Basecamp, Asana, Monday, etc.).  

We started using Demand Metric because you can view & filter tasks across all projects on a Board, Calendar, or List/Table view, and then save those filters for easy access later.   They also have tons of pre-built project plans and tools and templates to get work done faster.

I hope this helps.


0 votes
Deleted user October 8, 2018

The only workaround that I can think of is using Calendar Pup and some external calendar of your preference, that would combine the feeds from multiple boards:

Dimitri Hofman October 9, 2018


I am currently using the Planyway Calendar power-up and this makes planning tasks over multiple projects easier. I have a central board from which I use the calendar and I have included all other boards to be shown in the Planyway Calendar view. 

The tool is great for planning tasks, it is not so great for following up on deadlines.

I use my calendar for microplanning, meaning that I assign a certain timeslot for a task to be completed. You can set a start and end time for each task. However, when a task is in the "Waiting for" state and you only want to show a due date, there is no good solution. My workaround is to plan this tasks as "whole day" events so they will show up at the top of the day in the calendar view.

Nitay Elboym October 9, 2018

Dimitri, that's interesting. Can you provide screenshots to demonstrate what you explained? 

Dimitri Hofman October 10, 2018

Sure, I will try to make some sample screenshots. My current calendar has a lot of confidential information which I cannot share.

Nitay Elboym October 10, 2018

Got it. Thank you. 

0 votes
Nitay Elboym August 11, 2018

Hi Dimitri, I have the same question, and I was wondering if you got an answer / found a solution to the situation that you described? Thank you. 

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