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How to set a custom field with a description data?

Cesar Vieira
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September 17, 2024

I need to set a cutom field with a data of the description of a Card. How can a do it?

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Carolina Lopez
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2024

Hi Cesar, welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You can use Trello Automation to automatically set the Custom Field to part of the data in the description field. To make this happen, it's important to understand the pattern your description follows. For instance, consider the following description, where the highlighted part is the text I want in the Custom Field:

First part of the description.
Text: custom field value and other details

Following this, you'll need to create a rule that triggers when the description is added, and the relevant text for the Custom Field is replaced by a wildcard. You can use this rule as an example:

when the description of a card contains "Text: {*} and", set custom field "A" to "{wildcard1}"

As you can see, we need to specify the text before and after the section we want to capture for the Custom Field. This way, the rule will trigger anytime the description contains a text within that pattern.

This document has more details and wildcard examples:
Pattern matching and wildcards

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