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How to see checklist items assigned to you on iOS iphone app on premium workspace

Zoie Spasova
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May 12, 2023


I just convinced the whole team to upgrade to the premium workspace, but the client only accesses trello from ipad and iphone apps.

I couldn't find the location on the phone or ipad app that showed all the checklist items assigned to a single person. In the calendar view you can see checklists for everyone but no central location where you can see only your checklist items.

The client will want to be able to see quickly they checklists and cards assigned to him like you are able to do from the desktop home view.

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 15, 2023


I am not an Apple product user but I just check this on the Android Trello app and can confirm that it doesn't have a list that shows checklists items, similar to what you get from Home on a web browser.

The only option I can see for you to get that right now is to suggest they use Trello from a browser on those devices, if at all possible.

I would also recommend sending a support request to Trello and highlighting this issue.  I am sure it is unlikely to be actioned any time soon but at least it will draw their attention to it: 

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