How to get Due Date Notifications to work ?

Christine Featherston
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March 10, 2019


Myself and my team has started using Trello and we have found it to be very effective for our BPAs. However, one of the things we need does not seem to work effectively. We are not receiving notifications of task due dates at all. I have tried the suggestions from Trello Help: Notifications are not working and it still does not work for us.

In addition, are there any plans in the works that will allow Trello to send notifications other than 24 hours in advance. Any information that can be provided will be greatly appreciated.


Christine F.

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Iain Dooley
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March 10, 2019

@Christine Featherston you have to be watching a card to get a due date notification. If you're waiting for it via email you have to have not viewed the notification anywhere else.

If you are added to a card you will automatically be watching it.

You can do this with Butler, with a command like this:

the moment a card is due post comment "@card"


3 hours before a card is due post comment "@board"

etc. Butler is currently in Beta following acquisition and subsequent integration, you can apply here to get access:

You can also automate this with the API. I created Trellinator which is an automation library for Google Apps Script. You can see how to set Trellinator up here but it's more technical than Butler:

The code to do the same thing as above with Trellinator would look like this:

The 2 "schedule" functions would be configured either globally or on an individual board, and they would schedule the "actionReminder" function that would post the actual comment notifying card members at the scheduled time.

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