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How to export Trello card description

Peter Cranston June 26, 2023


one of my clients has asked if it is possible to export the Trello card description. They can export the entire board  to excel using Blue cat reports but this does not pick up the description. Are there any ways that this can be done eirther by power up or withoin trello itself.

Their requirement ois to generate a report for selected cards and to include the card description in that report.


Peter C.


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Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
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June 26, 2023

Hi @Peter Cranston ,

You can just use the native Trello CSV Export and it should include your description (I tested it out and can confirm this).

FYI, the native exporter comes in Premium offering.

Hope it helps!

Peter Cranston June 26, 2023

Thats great. Exactly what we want.  

Many thanks,

Peter C.

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