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How to Link Multiple Checklists?

Ashish Dobriyal November 23, 2023

I have a Card called Project Summary and in it I have two checklists Step 1 and Step 2.

I have another card called MM with a checklist Step 1 and a card called EDM with a checklist called Step 2, Step 1 and Step 2 are the same checklist as in Project Summary card.

How do I link these checklists so if I checkmark something in either Project Summary Card it will mark it off in its respective card or vice versa.

Also If I added another item in to the checklist or deleted something is there a way to update the checklists accordingly?

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Dreamsuite Mike
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November 23, 2023

If the cards are on the same board, you can do this:


Automation 1

when an item is added to a checklist in a card with a name starting with "Project Summary", find a card titled "MM", add item "{checklistitemname}" to checklist "{checklistname}", find a card titled "EDM", and add item "{checklistitemname}" to checklist "{checklistname}"

Automation 2

when an item is removed from a checklist in a card with a name starting with "Project Summary", find a card titled "MM", remove item "{checklistitemname}", find a card titled "EDM", and remove item "{checklistitemname}"

Automation 3

when an item is checked in a card with a name starting with "Project Summary", find a card titled "MM", check item "{checklistitemname}", find a card titled "EDM", and check item "{checklistitemname}"

Ashish Dobriyal November 25, 2023

Works Perfectly. Thank You.

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