How can I @tag myself in a comment so I can get a copy of the email sent out to everyone involved?

Francisco Duron February 22, 2023

When you add a comment to a card in Trello and @ tag them they receive an email shortly after or as soon as possible depending on your notifications settings. I would also like to recieve that email that gets sent out. I have tried tagging myself in comments but they don't seem to be emailed to me like a regular message. Let me know if that is a feature I can turn on or if there's a way to have that work. 

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Dreamsuite Mike
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February 22, 2023

You could set up an account for notification purposes, add to the board and tag that?!

Francisco Duron February 22, 2023

That would definetly work but I was hoping to just keep it all under the same account if at all possible. Any more suggestions?

Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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February 22, 2023

You could use an automation to send yourself an email when the comment contains "@me"

Francisco Duron February 22, 2023

I've tried setting up myself but it's not working like I need it and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Can you show me an example of the automation?

Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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February 22, 2023

Screenshot 2023-02-22 135306.pngScreenshot 2023-02-22 135345.pngScreenshot 2023-02-22 135414.png

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Francisco Duron February 22, 2023

It worked but the email doesn't show the comment like in your example. I don't know what I could have typed wrong or need to change.

Francisco Duron February 22, 2023


Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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February 22, 2023

You need to ensure you select the following trigger:

when a comment containing @me is posted
Francisco Duron February 22, 2023

You are the best! Everything is working good now. Thank you!

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