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How can I delete archived lists?

Michael Kibler
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February 27, 2018

Dear Community,

I am Admin of a discussion board about the nomination for a reward. The Jury changed  with the beginning of the new year. So I added the new Team members. And I deleted the old team members. I put new cards on the board, deleted old ones. But if I click on "view all activity" I see all comments of former members. Is there any possibility for me as a Admin, to delete them permanently, so the new member cannot read old comments by former members? Or do I have to setup a new board?



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Matthew N
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February 27, 2018

Hey Michael

There's not a way to delete archived lists, only archived cards.  You can send the lists back to the board and archive/delete each individual card and then archive the list again.. or it might be best to make a new board.

Michael Kibler
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 27, 2018

Thanks a lot - I decided to create a new board.

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Sergio Milici
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April 17, 2018

Why is not possible to delete an empty list? Are you planning to add this feature?

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Caue Rego June 1, 2018

what's more... why can't we archive comments and we can delete archived items? i suspect this inconsistency of data handling is due to a small dev team (responsible for the free features) who needs to overlook features as to keep things moving. :(

oh the irony... at least trello still works generally well anyway. :)

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3 votes
Mark Brown
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May 3, 2018

I created a new board calling it "Deleted Lists" and moved the Lists I didn't want into that board. Then if I want I can delete that board. But it seemed like a good work around to getting them from from cluttering up my active board.

Caue Rego June 1, 2018

great idea! i was already thinking about duplicating the board, which seem to remove archived lists from the new board... but this is way more practical for ongoing needs! :)

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 3, 2018

Great idea!

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