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How can I Pass Board Info via the Link Cards to an External URL?

Kevin F. O'Donnell
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April 16, 2023

I want to do the following:

  1. Create Trello “Link Cards” that send variables about the current Trello board through the URL (what’s necessary to access the board via API)

  2. When the user clicks on the card, the Trello Board information will be passed via the query args (i.e.{id} etc.

  3. I can then use those parameters to access the Trello Board via the API and do useful stuff

Is this possible? If so can you provide a pointer to the doc, if it’s not, a workaround/another way to get this accomplished?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2023

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for reaching out!

This would be a really great question to share in our Developer Community forum. We have a number of Trello Engineers that are active there, and they'd be happy to give some guidance for more advanced topics like these.

All the best,

The Trello Team

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