Google Drive power up linked to wrong google account

Patrick Barron
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November 2, 2018

I'm trying to use the google drive power up. It appears to be linked to different google account which has been used on my computer but is mostly not used, this google account is not linked to my trello account in any way.

This is NOT the account I use to log into trello with.


I've tried disabling the power-up, cleared saved information, logged out of everything. Log back into the correct google account, log back into trello with my correct account and the one registered to my trello account, use the power-up which says it's attached to the right account but the power up is still linked to the other account????

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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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November 3, 2018

@Patrick Barron  Probably the google drive power up got associated with your second google account.  Once that happened, the google drive power up saved a google drive access token specific to your second account in its own database, outside of your computer.

Possible solution steps:

  • log into google with your second google drive account.  see which apps have access, and revoke access for the google drive power up.
  • log out of this second google account
  • log into Trello and try to use the google drive power up.  It now should ask for new authentication.  Use the primary google account now.

Hope this helps.

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