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Event planning - checklist and dependancies to create tasks

Matthew Edwards
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February 23, 2023

We use Trello to manage our in-house content production. One of these boards relates to our corp events, which we run worldwide.

As we have a couple of different event types (Face 2 Face, training sessions, trade show etc..) - we've produced several template cards with a series of specific checklist items. (venue hire, social promotion etc...)

What we want to achieve is when each checklist item is assigned to a team member, we get an automated dependant (child) card, which goes onto a different board, titled 'Tasks.'

Here we have all of the individual tasks as cards, which link to their master event parent card, on the main events board. We can then run filtering to see the assigned tasks sitting with team members. 

This is to better track everyone's outstanding tasks, which we'll need to start reporting on.



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Dreamsuite Mike
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February 23, 2023

Hiya @Matthew Edwards I have a pre-build solution that exactly matches your need and uses only core Trello functionality (Automation libraries), including:


  • Parent card on "Top level board"
  • When a member is added to checklist on Parent Card it automatically converts to a linked card on the Tasks Board
  • When the task is moved to done on the tasks board, it automatically checks it off on the parent card checklist
  • When a checklist item is checked on the Parent Card, it moves the task to done on the task board

There is one caveat that this solution has add the team member by a means other than using 'assign member to checklist item' function because that isn't supported in the automation (Trello staff, if you are reading this please please add checklist date/member variables and triggers to the automation).  You could use a mention and then when a checklist item includes @{*} it converts to a linked card on tasks board and assigns it to @{wildcard1}
Another usefully interactive way to do it is to have several checklists.  

Checklist 1 - Tasks
Checklist 2 - Assign to...
Checklist 3 - Assign to...

When you want to assign tasks, you can drag and drop them into the other lists and then the automaton will take over

Check my profile and contact me if you're interested in this.


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Rising Star
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February 23, 2023

@Matthew Edwards 

Definitely can be done. I built this for a HR client in Texas. I am aware that if you use convert to card , that the item is removed so one trick is to rebuilt that item. This option have a couple of dependencies for it to work. 

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