Difference between Guests vs Members

Eileen Lasswell
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November 30, 2022

Can someone please explain the difference between guests & members.  I am not sure how to set my team up. I am thinking that perhaps I set up the agents on my team as guests and my admins as members as the admins need access to the templates and my agents just need to be be able to execute the tasks I assign to them. 

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Brittany Joiner
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November 30, 2022

@Eileen Lasswell members are people that are part of your workspace, whereas guests are typically just part of boards. It really has nothing to do with their roles or their access... it's more just that premium workspaces are allowed single board guests that they won't be charged monthly (ie, people who belong to only one board in the workspace and not more than one) and enterprise workspaces are allowed multi-board guests (ie people who belong to mulitple boards but are not actually part of the workspace via the workspace members settings.)

Let me know if that makes sense, i know it can be a bit confusing!

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