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Custom field value for export

RH July 26, 2023


Is there a way to extract custom field values to a excel?


I want to be able to see the name of the card + 1 of the custom field values.

with out using a paid 3th party integration.




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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 26, 2023

If you are a premium subscriber, you can export to CSV: 


Or you can use a Power-up:

Exports for Trello by Bluecat (Free)

Has a free option depending on the frequency number of exports made

Table View (Paid)

This power-up will do it as well as giving you a really powerful table view, including custom fields, customisable columns and a more powerful filter than the built in Trello one.  You will have to pay for a tiny power-ups club subscription, although it also includes many other handy little apps

Smart Export (Paid)


If you want this as automated you will have to use an external automation solution:

My personal preference is, followed by Integrately then Zapier.

All 3 offer a free package but it is often very limited 

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