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Custom Field

Bill Weaver April 28, 2022

I've created a Custom Field, titled "Start Date".  This is a common term our team uses, unlike setting the due date on the card.  The card owner (or anyone for that matter) must add a valid date in the field before triggering the card.  The trigger is when the card is moved from 'Backlog' Column to the 'Readiness/Prep' column, on the same board.  Butler automation is used to add 'Description', several checklists, item by item, and Comment fields.  I am able to add Due Dates to checklist items, and assign checklist items to members.   What I want to do is do some calculations based on that custom field, 'Start Date'.  According to the Butler documentation, it may look like this '{{%Start Date} - 14d}'.  But that and , any combination of that, does not work.  What does work is this:

Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 14.48.24.png

Currently, the only thing that works is it returns the 'Start Date' in my defined custom field.   I've tried every possible combination but nothing works.   In this instance, I'm trying to set a date 30 days before the defined 'Start Date'.  '{{%Start Date}-30d}' should work, per the documentation. 

Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 14.53.54.png


1 answer

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Bill Weaver April 28, 2022

Never mind, I was able to resolve it.  It works fine now. 

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