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Create automation rule for labels of one color

Zach Donovan
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November 1, 2022

I'm having trouble creating an automation rule that I think I should be able to create. I want to create a rule that has a trigger "when any {labelcolor} label is added to a card..." but it seems I can only choose between creating a rule for when any label of any color is added to the card or when one specific label is added.

Basically, how do I create an automation rule so that if I label a card with a red label, for example, it will automatically go to a specific list?

It looks like there should be a way to do this with variables in the actions as well, but I don't see anywhere to add or edit variables. 


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Victor N
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 3, 2022

Hi Zach, here's a short screen recording of how you might be able to go about this: 
Please let me know if this addresses your question and works for you.

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