Copying a card to another board

Mileyde Nechworth March 3, 2022

Hey people, I am copying some cards from a "community" board from the agency I work for to a private board, because I want to save some of those cards for the future. 

1. If the original card (from the community board I am part of) is deleted or altered, will it affect in anything the "copy" card I got inside of my private board?

2. Will the "owner" of these cards be notified when I copy them to my private board? 

Thank you so much!! 

2 answers

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Alex W
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 3, 2022

Hey @Mileyde Nechworth - it looks like you accidentally raised two questions about the same query - not to worry! I've deleted the duplicate question.

In answer to your questions...

  1. When you copy a card, it copies what's on the card at the time but doesn't update with any changes from the original card
  2. I don't believe notifications will be sent when a card is copied. You can read about when notifications are sent at

Our full tutorial about copying cards can be found at

Mileyde Nechworth March 6, 2022

That is great to know! Thank you Alex!!

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
Community Leader
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March 3, 2022

Hi @Mileyde Nechworth ! Welcome to the community :)

1. No, copied cards are completely independent of one another. You can however sync cards across boards using Unito if you need that functionality. 

2. No, by default the creator of the card will not be notified if you copy a card. You should be able to achieve this using automation if you want that. Happy to share ideas if that's desired behavior.

Alex W
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 3, 2022

Looks like we replied at the exact same time @Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows ! Great minds think alike!

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Mileyde Nechworth March 6, 2022

Thank you both so much! ❤️

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