Completed Checklist Items with completed date/time stamp... & Task Reports

Barb Sellers May 16, 2017

We are a small office and are successfully using Trello to help manage the activities and tasks associated with our travel clients. We don't see any functions that do the following and would be great time savers for us.

1.  Is there a way to have Trello date and time stamp each checklist item as each task is marked as complete (with the strikeout box)? Today we have to type date and time completed on every check list task when we mark them as complete. This would be a great time saver for us.

2.  Is there a way to print out all tasks from my board by due date or within a range of due dates and include the card name with each task description in the printout/PDF/report?

I appreciate your suggestions!

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Atlassian Team
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May 19, 2017

Hi Barb,

Happy to answer those questions for you!

1. There isn't a way to have the date and time stamp next to the checklist item itself—however, this is listed in the card's activity feed, at the bottom of the card. If you're only seeing comments there and no activity, you can click on the "Show Details" link at the top of the activity feed to show all actions.

2. Right now, there isn't a way to print a list of cards matching specific criteria. The most similar option would be a CSV export—then, you could filter the results within a spreadsheet app. CSV exports are included with Trello Business Class, or there are also a couple of third party Chrome extensions that allow CSV exports:

Let us know if you have any questions!

Daniel Funes
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May 3, 2022

I can see the activity showing the time and date the task was completed but is there a way to export that information into a report? Using the Premium version so wondering if there are any Power Ups that can acomplish that.

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