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Changing workspace for a board

Natalie Kwon August 30, 2022

I'm attempting to change the board's workspace to another but can't find any tutorial on how to do it. Any help appreciated!

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Pramodh M
Community Leader
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August 30, 2022

Hi @Natalie Kwon 

Welcome to the Community!!

Here's the guide


Natalie Kwon August 30, 2022

Thanks for your response! This is all I see when I click on those options:

Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 9.09.34 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-08-30 at 9.08.56 PM.png

Pramodh M
Community Leader
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August 30, 2022

@Natalie Kwon 

As a pre requisite says you should be the board admin and workspace member on both the workspaces

Natalie Kwon August 31, 2022

Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 10.31.47 AM.pngI believe I'm an admin for both!

Wm_ Auckerman September 1, 2022

I think board admins are indicated by a blue chevron on their icon. On the screenshot that you shared above, if you are the orange NK icon, then you are not a board admin. Only the red W icon shows a chevron.

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