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Cascading date field automation errors

SteelDriver April 24, 2023

Hello,  I'm trying to run the following automation to keep track of when software updates for a certain product have released.  When it updates, I want to update the backlog so that I'm constantly tracking 6 updates back from the current version. 

set custom field "_6VB" to "{{%_5VB}}"

set custom field "_5VB" to "{{%_4VB}}"

set custom field "_4VB" to "{{%_3VB}}"

set custom field "_3VB" to "{{%_2VB}}"

set custom field "_2VB" to "{{%_1VB}}"

set custom field "_1VB" to "{{%Last Update}}"

set date custom field "Last Update" to now

My problem is that when I run it like this, sometimes the date fields don't populate in order, causing one date to drop and at least two fields reporting the same date at the end of the automation.

I thought of putting 'dummy' steps in between these (see below), forcing the automation to slow down its replacement of each preceding field; didn't help.

(the final automation I tried went like this:

set custom field "_6VB" to "{{%_5VB}}", set custom field "Version" to "*", set custom field "_5VB" to "{{%_4VB}}", set custom field "Version" to "**", set custom field "_4VB" to "{{%_3VB}}", set custom field "Version" to "***", set custom field "_3VB" to "{{%_2VB}}", set custom field "Version" to "****", set custom field "_2VB" to "{{%_1VB}}", set custom field "Version" to "*****", set custom field "_1VB" to "{{%Last Update}}", set custom field "Version" to "******", set date custom field "Last Update" to now, and set custom field "Version" to "***DONE***"

Any thoughts as to why my cascade idea isn't working?  Thanks!

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Nathan Smith
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2023

Hi @csteel 

You could split up your rule into multiple different rules which would guarantee the date fields always update in the same order, for example:

  • Rule 1: Set custom field "_6VB" to "{{%_5VB}}"
  • Rule 2: When custom field "_6VB" is set, set custom field "_5VB" to "{{%_4VB}}"
  • Rule 3: When custom field "_5VB" is set, set custom field "_4VB" to "{{%_3VB}}"

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