Card buttons not available for guests

5VISION Projektmanagement December 9, 2021


i created some card buttons and marked also all three checkboxes but my guests can't see they - only the admins.

Rules are working.





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Felipe Kowalczuk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 10, 2021

Hello @5VISION Projektmanagement ,


Thanks for reaching out! :)

We would like to thank you in advance for being part of our Trello community and we will try to solve your problem / need in the best way possible.


When you create an automation Card Button, even if you select "Enable on this board", "Enable on all boards of this workspace" and "Shared with workspace" and the guest is a board admin, he/she will not be able to use the card button. You'll have to add/invite him/her to become a workspace member, only then he/she will be able to use the card button automation. I did a recording to show you this

You can also read more explanation about it in this article


Best Regards, 


5VISION Projektmanagement December 12, 2021

Hello Felipe,

that means, i have to pay also for this users?

Felipe Kowalczuk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2021

Hi @5VISION Projektmanagement

You can simply add them to become a Workspace members. However, if this Workspace is not a free Workspace, then it will be billable. Check for more information here are two ways someone can be billable in a paid workspace:

  1. They are a Workspace member - either a normal member or a Workspace admin
  2. They are a multi-board guest in the Workspace


A guest is someone who is a member of a board in a Workspace but is not a member of the Workspace itself. A multi-board guest is someone who is a guest on two or more boards within a Workspace. Multi-board guests are billed at the same rate as Workspace members. See this page for more information on multi-board guests.

Alternatively, the board members can create their own Card Buttons, Rules or other automations. 

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