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Card Button

שי - משרד July 13, 2023

Hello, I made a Card Button through Automations
My question is that I choose the option that I will receive an email when the button is clicked, is there a way to edit the body of the message I receive, I have attached a picture to the area I want to edit.


3 answers

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שי - משרד July 24, 2023

Is there a shortcut for email?, meaning that in the body of the message that is received after clicking on the button, the email address of the person who is connected to the trello account and clicked on the button will be listed?

0 votes
שי - משרד July 16, 2023
Thanks for the answer, but I still haven't figured out how to edit the message in the area I mentioned. There are no these options.
I have another question,
There is a way to choose which email address you can reply to.
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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 16, 2023

Are you saying you can't click into the box to create the message?

You cannot configure the reply address natively but again that could be done with Sendboard...

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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 16, 2023

Hi @שי - משרד 

The message will support Markdown: 


However, if you want to have a fully featured email capability with automation, you should take a look at Email for Trello (Sendboard)

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