Can't remove board creator from board

Jennifer Leigh
April 24, 2017

We recently had a team member resign who had created several boards on our team. I do not seem to be able to remove her from the boards she created: 

Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 11.41.35 AM.png

There's a little blue double "^" oo the bottom of her icon, and as shown above there is no "remove user" option when I click on her icon.

What am I missing?



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 25, 2017

It looks like the user is the only admin of the board. The user can only be removed from the board, if another admin is on the board (to prevent that the board is without any admin). You can find some steps to recover the board here:

Jennifer Leigh
April 25, 2017

I am the team admin. She was a team member who created the board. As a team admin I am not able to administrate a board within the team?  

That sounds pretty broken. 

Jennifer Leigh
April 25, 2017

Here are some screenshots.

For context, the example board (one of several Sara created being affected by this behavior) is "Marketing Strategy," and it's part of the "InPlay Marketing" Team. 

I am the team admin, and shown as "Jennigma." 

InPlay Marketing Team page: 

InPlay Marketing team.png

Marketing Strategy showing Sara as unremoveable:

Marketing Strategy cant remove.png

InPlay Marketing Boards page showing Marketing Strategy as one of the boards:

InPlay Marketing Boards.png

Link to the board:

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