Calendar view multi month scroll

Cody Baird
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September 23, 2024

When I am in calendar view I can't see multiple months seamlessly.. but when I add calendar power up I can see what I want but lose the functionality of seeing jobs stretch across multiple days at a time.. showing project launch/completion expectations.. 

I have tried several work arounds.. but would love to know if I am missing something? We dispatch from this, tracking upcoming projects/inspections/tasks and even communications.. so I need it to do BOTH scroll through months, AND show multi day jobs without copying the card over and over across days. 

Also, why can't we change card colors, to indicate departments? or add textures.. dots to the corners etc to show other relevant information?  

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Gaurav Kataria
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 23, 2024

You could try the timeline view and use the different labels to organize your cards (select 'Label' from the dropdown, as shown in the screenshot below)

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 8.06.35 PM.png

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