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Button for automatic filtering

Hieke van Rijswijk
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May 15, 2023



We at my company use Trello as a plan do check act board. In our team we all have our individual cards. To find our cards we filter on our own names. If we want to find cards of other colleagues we have to filter on their names. 

We are divided into groups (IT and HR). Would it be possible to make a board button that automatically filters on the IT-group? I now have to filter to all of my colleagues separately. 

This would save a lot of clicks

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 16, 2023

Butler doesn't do filters.  There is a great powerup by@Adam Cao  tinypowerups which allows you to create saved filters.  There is a free try so it is worth a go to see if it helps you and your colleagues.  

Also check out the others available in the Tiny Powerup Club.  I use Table view and advanced card covers all the time and love them

Saved Filters 

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