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Butler rule help

Jan June 19, 2024

On every card we use a code that starts with alpha and ends with numeric then there is a name given in alpha. I have a butler rule that needs to create another card if there is an alpha trigger as part of the code.

So i.e. if PR is part of the code the bot should create the new card 

My issue is the bot is picking up what is in the name as well as what is in the code.

Is there a shortcut that I should use to only pick up the alpha prior to the numeric so it will ignore the name?

Thanks in advance


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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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June 25, 2024

@Jan Just to clarify, would this be accurate?

Card 1: "AB123 Task"
Card 2: "12345 Task"

Because card 1 begins with the alphabetical character "A", then the automation should trigger. However, it should NOT trigger for card 2 because it begins with the numerical character "1".

You can use regex to accomplish this. Try:

when the name of a card starts with "regex:/^[A-Za-z]/"

 This will match any single upper or lower case alphabetical character.

Jan July 9, 2024

Apologies only just saw your response

Code is normally abcbl123 task

the bl can also be pr or up to seven different letters to indicate the task type

but then the task can be any description that can but not often hold the task type letters if that makes sense

Hence I was hoping that the rule can only refer to the alpha prior to the numerics

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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July 9, 2024

@Jan Thanks for the extra info! So just to clarify, you'd like the rule to say something like:

"when the name of a card contains "pr", or "bl", or "xx" ...... etc. " 

Is that right?

Jan July 10, 2024

Yes but only if in the code so

abc'bl'123 - black

So I need the rule to pick up the BL prior to the numerics not the bl in the name

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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July 10, 2024

Ok got it, thanks for clarifying. Sounds like wildcards would be best here. Try the below:

when the name of a card starts with "{* }bl{* }"

Your rule would trigger if the card name was: "abcbl123 - xxx"
Your rule would NOT trigger if the card name was "abcgg123 - xxblxx"

Note the space after the asterisk. More details here:

Jan July 16, 2024

Thanks so much I will change my existing rule 

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 20, 2024

Not quite sure what the code looks like, could you type up examples? In my head I see Alpha234PR? The formatting matters. And examples of which ones you want to be picked up by the automation.

The basic way is that the trigger can have filters that check if the card titles starts with, ends with, contains - a piece of text.

Or more advanced is to play around with Wildcards, that are much more specific and powerful, but which can be tricky to get right depending on the format.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 10, 2024

Based on your other reply... A Wildcards solution would probably be a bit difficult, as there's nothing constant in the format that could be referenced.

"aaapr111 | task" could be filtered for names that start with "{*}pr{*} |" for instance, which would only look for pr that occurs before the special character "|" (which you prohibit use in task names).

I don't really play around with regex, but hopefully you get a better answer with that

Jan July 10, 2024

Thanks, gives me something to look into

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