Best Power-up For Aggregating Due Dates

Megan Kelly
August 15, 2019

I have a hundred+ boards (1 per client) and on each board we plan on doing a calendar/timeline where we enter all the tasks and plan out how long it will take each thru to launch.  Because we have so many clients as a PM I need to holistically see ALL projects/work we have going on in a master calendar.  Is there a Power-Up that would aggregate all the board calendars to a master?  I see the Power-Ups "Planyway, BigPicture, TeamGantt) but I'm not sure which will get me what I need.  Really appreciate everyone's help.

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Nate Fenimore
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August 15, 2019

I actually just mentioned this in another post... I really like Gantiffy (


I allows us to look at projects more holistically 

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