Batch import update to custom fields

Simon lee
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January 7, 2025

I'm using Trello for sales management at the moment. Been using it for sometime with many cards created.

Just created a few custom fields today and wondering if there's any way to batch update these fields based on a common ID key like the CARD ID or something? I certainly do not want to manually update them one by one.

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Rodolfo Moreira
Atlassian Team
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January 10, 2025

Hello, Simon!

Trello doesn't have a built-in feature for bulk updating custom fields. If you're comfortable with it, you might want to try using the Trello API to achieve this. For any API-related questions, I recommend reaching out to the Trello Developer Community. This community connects you directly with other API experts and Trello developers who can assist you: Trello Developer Community.

If you're new to the API, you can learn more about it here: Trello API Documentation. For a practical example of using the API with Python to export your organization's data, check out this resource: Trello Python Demo.

Additionally, here are some helpful pages specifically about custom fields: Trello Custom Fields API.

As a temporary solution, you might consider using Power-Ups from the Marketplace that can assist with custom fields. You can explore them here: Trello Power-Ups for Custom Fields.

Please note that these are third-party applications, so we cannot guarantee the quality of all of them. 

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