Automation to copy label(s) to attached card

Rudy Holtkamp
February 27, 2025


I've an automation that mirrors a card to another board. Now I want to add a label to the original card and it should copy it to the mirrored card. 

I've created this automation:


But this does not work properly. What I see is, when I apply a red and purple label on the original:


I get one label, called 'null':


I've tried also with {cardcolor} and a combination of the two, but I get the text 'purple' & 'red', not the colored labels.



How can I fix it?

I only need a one way sync, so all labels on the original should also be seen on the other card.




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DiMaggio Tucci
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February 27, 2025

Is there a reason you cannot use an actual "mirror card" instead of trying to do the mirroring manually? If you could do that, it would be automatic.

If you can't do that for any reason, I would guess that it has to do with the other board not having a label that matches exactly with the label on the first board.


That being I missing something obvious? How were you able to get an automation that let's you specify the label name? Mine only allows me to select a color. I'm aware of the {labelname} variable, but I couldn't figure out how to get an automation that let me specify that so I could test this. I'm dying to know! Is it because you have Enterprise?


Rudy Holtkamp
February 28, 2025

I do have Enterprise, and have used an automation rule to mirror the card. But mirroring the card via automation, does not create the labels on the mirror.


DiMaggio Tucci
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February 28, 2025

@Rudy Holtkamp 

I have tested mirrored cards and the labels DO show up on the mirror as long as the mirror is not broken. Let's talk about that.

A mirrored card "under the hood" is just a blank card except for the card's name, which is a link to the card it is mirroring. Trello sees that and then automatically knows to not display the blank card and instead display the information for the card that it is mirroring. If you change the information on the blank card, the mirror is actually broken. This means two things:

1: See where it says create a new mirror card with title {cardname}? I don't think that will work. It should say create a new mirror card with title {cardlink} instead. Don't worry; you'll still see the original card's name and not it's link when you're viewing the mirror card. But, under the hood, Trello needs it to be named {cardlink} in order to do mirroring.

2: When you are editing the card by hand, you can do it right on the mirror and it will be reflected on the original too, because Trello is actually modifying the original card, not the mirror! However, with automations, if you want to make changes, you must make them on the original card or you will break the mirror. Luckily, this can easily be done. If your automation is currently triggering from a mirrored card, simply use a Cascade Automation to find the original card and modify that instead. 

So if your automation is currently running on a mirror card, first do:

find a card with link {cardname}

 Now, Trello has the original card that the mirror is displaying, so you can run actions such as changing the labels. they will modify the original card and be reflected on the mirror.


Again, when you're editing them by hand, you don't have to worry about any of this. But I have tested it; labels and all other information (except card buttons) do reflect to mirror cards as long as "under the hood" the mirror card is just a blank card with the name {cardlink}.

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