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Automation Buttons

Nancy Ramirez July 20, 2023

Hi, I created automation buttons for my Trello page and my team member says they are unable to view these automation tools. My question is, am I the only one able to see/use the automation tools I create? Is there a way to make it accessible for all members of the page? I updated my settings so all members are able to edit/add but that didn't seem to change anything?

2 answers

2 votes
Nancy Ramirez July 24, 2023

I was able to answer my own question. In case anyone else comes across this issue like me, you can share your automation buttons/cards with the rest of your members by clicking on "share with workspace" within the Edit button for that automation button/card. Hit Save and it should appear for everyone else. Screenshot example attached for reference. 

Screen Shot 2023-07-24 at 9.40.43 AM.png

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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 22, 2023

I couldn't recreate this...


I have seen a similar issue in the past though and the way I corrected that was to copy the command, share with the workspace and delete the original.  I am not sure if that trick will work this time.

If you still can't get it to work, I recommend contacting as it may be a genuine issue that needs to be fixed

Here is some reference material regarding button sharing 

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