Are there plans to make Trello display user-friendly URLs?

Hugh April 22, 2017

In Trello URLs display full of escape characters, but nowadays not in the browser URL bar.

For example a character like the apostrophe will display in Trello as %E2%80%99

However, in Google Chrome, the apostrophe character will display as, well, an apostrophe.

Check the following URL, for example. Here in Trello (and in the Trello cards) the apostrophe displays encoded:

When you click on it however, at least in Chrome and Firefox, the apostrophe displays in the user-friendly format.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 24, 2017

Hi Hugh,

That's not on the short-term roadmap at the moment, but I'll pass that suggestion on to our team!

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