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Account information not updating form Atlassian

Ell Bradshaw
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April 15, 2023

Hello, I am attempting to update my Trello account information, including my name and profile picture. I have updated my information in my Atlassian account multiple times, including deleting and re-adding my profile picture, but my Trello account still shows my old name and profile picture.

This is especially problematic for me because my Trello account is nearly a decade old, and I am trying to join a new organization's Trello boards, but my name has changed since then and my profile picture from a decade ago is hardly representative.

This is my Trello account, my name and profile photo should match the one here on Atlassian, but they do not: <account removed for privacy>

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Mutya A
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 17, 2023

Hi Ell, 

I've edited your post and removed your account information for privacy. 

We are sorry that you are having some issues with your old account. Sometimes it takes a while for the system to reflect the account changes. You can double-check your Atlassian profile here again at if it has the most recent Full name and the Public name of your account, as well as the profile photo. I've checked it myself and it matches what you have in your Atlassian profile. 

Let us know if you have any questions. 

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