I ll expose the target and then the question :
Target :
I want to create one accont "MyGoogleMailAcc" and I want to mamage all my todos (family/work) in one tab : "MyTodoTab"
*family :
I have "Fam Tab" in which me /my wife are members
*work :
suppose I m freelancer who have some clients and there is tasks (cards) to chek with differant team of those clients.
so I m member in the IT team of client C1 (which have a Tab "IT C1 Tab" for his projects). I m also member in client "IT C2 Tab", and so on ...
Question :
my question is : how can I check all my related cards in all the tabs in which I m member only from my "MyTodoTab" related to my "MyGoogleMailAcc" account ?
thank you for help,
thanks Marta for response,
juste visualise all cards indeppendent to board is not enough,
I think that power app "Board Sync by Unito" is what I need : it allow to make changes on the the same card from differant boards.
best regards,
mohamed zied.