Trello automation (formerly butler) has somewhat stagnated (or for a more positive spin, stabilised) for some time now but you may have spotted there is now options to give feedback both in the automation window and from the automation menu on Trello
For all those who are bringing Trello to life with automation, regardless of if you are new or have been using it for years, this can give us hope that the Trello automation team are looking for feedback with a view to continue to improve the automation.
We should all take the opportunity to give some feedback.
In this thread, provide your wishlist for automation. Then send the same thing through the feedback link. I am sure there are many really cool ideas that people have here.
I'll start with a few of mine:
Guys, is it possible to configure an automation that appear to all members on board?
I made an automation with buttons and it just shows up for me. I'd like all the members to have access to it.