Hi. I made a extention for comments on Trello. Since comments go only one direction talking about two or more subjebts simultaneously was almost impossible on a card. But it is required time to time. At least for me. When talking on chat causes digress from the topic most of the time.
I thougth it was great to have threaded comment format for Trello. Seach for it in power-up market and external extentions. But there is only one power-up in beta (Threaded Comments for Trello) and will go to premium soon. And top of that, it can't send notifications on trello.
So i decided ro make my own extention. It basically change the place of trello comments and naturally other parties get notifications. As of now it is only in userscript format which can be installed with TamperMonkey. In future, i can turned it into a Choreme Extention maybe.
If you interested, you can get it from below. And some feedback for further developments would be nice.