When I mark a card completed in one board and then move it to another board, it removes the completion date. Is this intentional or a bug? Really frustrating to have to go into the board where I moved it and reapply a completion date.
Thanks for sharing the screen recording. I think I see what's happening! It looks like you're using a Custom Field to track completed date. Custom Fields is a board-level power-up, which means that the info from it doesn't transfer between boards right now. We're working on that.
What I was showing in my screenshots is how you can use the due date field and then check it off to mark the task ask complete. Unfortunately the activity history doesn't transfer when switching boards, so while you'll be able to see that the due date was completed, you won't see when it was completed and by whom.
Can you tell me a bit more about why you need to capture the completed date and why you are transferring cards? I'd be happy to pass the feedback to our Product team.
Ahhh, nailed it! The Powerup is the problem! Due Dates aren't always applicable, but I guess that's what I'll have to do. Thanks!