This is a feature suggestion that would be nice to see, and start discussion to see if I am the only use case for this situation or if others may find it useful.
The neat thing about filters is that when you filter, it keeps the UI of cards that trello has, which means that it is very easy to see the visuals (cover, attachments, pictures, art, screenshots, etc) attached to each card relating to the filter. However, when you do an advanced search, it shows up as a list, and while that may be useful in some cases, in my case the visuals are necessary to help differentiate cards.
It would be nice if there was a way to somehow include the ability to filter via a search--in the way that, you can search something, and the proper cards will show up that match the search (maybe there is some highlighting or something if its a keyword, etc). This could also include the secondary search bar that may show results by list, or a toggle to differentiate the two based on usage. I'm not sure the exact best implementation, I'm just brainstorming a bit.
TL:DR A few more criteria to "filter" by to display by cards would be nice, however that's implemented.