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Filter: hit count in the filter menu is gone

Thomas Kailer October 13, 2023

Here we go again: The next change, which maybe was intended as an improvement but results in an aggravation:

In the past, one could see the total number of cards that contained the filter term (i.e. "hit count" for the term). This was very useful, especially if the number "0" came back.

Now, since there is no counting of hits anymore, you need to scroll around your board to see if there is a hit.

When using a lot of lists this simply means additional work that was not necessary before.


It would be great if someone from Trello could please explain how this new feature improves the user experience.

But better still: Just bring back the hit count.


Thank you



Alex LeClaire
I'm New Here
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October 13, 2023

I concur! This is a disappointing aggravation. I use the count to keep track of my progress. PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!

Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 13, 2023

@Thomas Kailer and @Alex LeClaire, Thanks for writing in about the filter button updates. We're working on restoring the card count to the button, so this should work as you expect again very soon.

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Raymond Wang
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 13, 2023

Hey @Thomas Kailer, thanks for writing in. Sorry for the disruption here — we were indeed targeting a set of improvements for making filters more visible, and this was an unintended casualty of that. We've brought back the card count to the filter button for now — you should be able to see it if you refresh your page.

Keep us posted if you notice anything else!

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Thomas Kailer October 13, 2023

Wow! I must say, this was the quickest troubleshooting I've ever experienced!

Thank you so much for reacting so promptly and bringing the feature back!


Issue resolved :-)


All the best,


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Alicia Filíu Birlanga
Community Leader
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October 14, 2023

Hi everyone! I thought yesterday the same. It was very useful to know how many cards are in the filter, and suddenly dissapeared with the new feature. 

But today it appears again!!! I attach an image as proof! :-) 

Thank for information @Raymond Wang 


filtros imagen.png


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