Exploring automation possibilities between Trello and GitHub—any ideas?

Uku Pattak
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December 16, 2023

We have built a Github action https://github.com/marketplace/actions/trello-integration that currently can:
- look for Trello card(s) reference from pull request description, comments or branch name (either with or without prefix like "Closes")
- move Trello card to configured column if PR is opened, merged or converted to draft
- add PR labels to Trello card (e.g. feature, bug)
- assign PR author(s) to Trello card assignees

While these functionalities align with our team's workflow, I'm curious about the needs of other GitHub-Trello users.

Here are some random ideas:
- set trello start date based on first commit time
- set end date based on merged date
- reverse label adding from Trello to Github
- keep Trello and Github checklist in sync

What other automation features do you believe would be valuable within this Trello-GitHub ecosystem?



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