Hey Trello Users! One of our Customer Success Management teams recently used Confluence to move our team’s work and planning to Trello. Here are some reasons why we considered the move:
Product Enablement is a big deal to the CSM team, and we wanted a real-world experience adopting a tool that would mimic a customer’s experience
We wanted to enrich the way we think about an agile mindset and how that can impact planning
We’re outlining our team’s thought process over 12 weeks. If your team is interested in adopting Trello to collaborate together, you might enjoy our team’s learnings!
Collaborate async: A project page in Confluence was created where each teammate could share initial thoughts, contribute to the board’s organization, and a conclusion for final thoughts
Rinse and Repeat: Communication and iteration paved the road to success
Results: The team is more bonded at the end of this project, and we have a deeper understanding of adoption processes to share with the customers we support
The team wasn’t sure what to think at first - Confluence is where everyone keeps notes and their own blogs; how would this work in Trello? To start, we created a very basic Trello board, and set up a shared Confluence page where each person could log their thoughts, feelings, and final conclusions at the end of our project.
Confluence is easy - the pros of using Confluence included:
Copying the team meeting page and making updates is a light administrative lift for each week’s facilitator
Version 1 of the team’s new Trello board made it difficult to view what was (or was not) covered each week
We recognized that we had Status Quo Bias
Confluence is comfortable: because Atlassian does so much within Confluence, it is natural for us to default to Confluence for everything (even, Reader, this blog!)
We learned about Status Quo bias in CVI training, but making this change meant that we got to experience it for ourselves
Switching to Trello meant that our facilitator had to be more thoughtful: context switching and user fatigue was real
As the weeks went by, each facilitator made improvements to the board and shared and/or demoed the features they used to implement their changes. Here are the features we leveraged in Trello to make our board successful.
Dates and Calendar View: Organized our topics by meeting date so it was easy to see agenda items if a meeting was missed; allowed us to visualize topics covered in each meeting and view objectives for the month
Card Buttons and Board Buttons: A feedback button is created and automatically placed in the Feedback column, a move to next week button to push agenda items we didn’t cover, and allows for iteration of future versions of our team meeting board
Completed (rule set by Quarter, so those who missed the meeting can checklists by quarter and date)
Automation: Solved for our hesitation and perception that maintaining a Trello board would be more work than Confluence and added automation for the facilitator card so we always knew who the next host is/when our turn is near
Push Notifications: Despite this happening in Slack, working in a new way led us to iterate
Lists and Color Schemes: Personal preference for board visuals gave way to a clean, streamlined board
Power Ups: We turned on Giphy for a little razzle dazzle
We found that planning in Trello is easier for our team and will continue to use the team board, iterating as we learn about new Power Ups and Features; our confidence has increased and along with it, so has our understanding of Trello; and finally, we are able to have more meaningful adoption and enablement conversations to support our customers.
Our team feels closer and more unified; here’s how we collaborated:
A Confluence project page where everyone could contribute initial reactions, thoughts, and conclusions, add comments and edits
True agile iteration: from V1 to the current state, the board will continue to evolve
Up-leveled our ability to have confident, strategic conversations about Trello
A true representation of company values:
Play, as a Team: Collaboration and discussion were key and continued to improve as we iterated on the board
Build with Heart and Balance: Each adjustment to the board was iterative, from automation to colorways, buttons, adding dates, and automating cards - everyone worked together to approve the final product
Open Company, No Bullsh!t: As a team, we created a safe space that allowed honest conversations about how Trello and Confluence could serve us in different ways
Don’t F@!* the Customer: Anxiety over change was REAL; experiencing this feeling helped put ourselves in our customers' shoes
Be the Change You Seek: Enablement and product knowledge can be overwhelming and intimidating - we were all in this together and created a fun project that accomplished both
We hope you enjoyed hearing about our team’s process! New to Atlassian products? Check out Confluence Templates and Trello Templates, and let us know what your favorite takeaway from our team’s move was in the comments! 👇🏼
Heidi van Gennep