A new way to filter Trello cards (+ saying goodbye to the Card Aging Power-Up)

[UPDATE] Due to the overwhelming response from the community, the Card Aging Power-up is here to stay! We're so happy to see so much love for the power-up, and are glad it's serving you well. The Card Aging Power-up is back up on the marketplace and we no longer have plans to deprecate it. 


Got a busy board with lots of cards? Whether you’re catching up after some time away or you’re just jumping in, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start when there are so many cards to look through.

Try out our new board-level card activity filters for Trello web!

The new filters show you cards that are:

  • Active in the last week

  • Active in the last two weeks

  • Active in the last four weeks

  • No activity in the last four weeks


The new board-level filters enables you to quickly see the cards that are most important to you so you exactly where to focus your attention. The filters are compatible with Trello’s new light and dark modes, and will not alter your card colors or styling as you filter.

Activity filtering is available for the following single board views

  • Board (kanban) - Trello’s default lists/cards presentation

  • Table

  • Calendar

  • Timeline

This feature is not available in Workspace views or other Trello lists features.

We hope you like our new filters for your Trello cards. Let us know what you think!

Sunsetting the Card Aging Power-Up and Pirate Mode :pirate_flag:

As the new activity filter feature allows you to easily find inactive cards on your boards, we will be sunsetting the Card Aging Power-up and removing them from active boards for web and mobile beginning on Jul 30, 2023.

To support this transition, we will be suspending all new installs for Card Aging on May 30, 2023.



Dreamsuite Mike
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May 31, 2023

I've checked in several accounts and I am not seeing these new filter options.  Can you confirm if/when this is going to be rolled out to everybody?

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Tushar Bhargava
May 31, 2023

I really liked how the Card Aging power-up allowed me to assess (in)activity in a quick glance without requiring additional steps in my workflow! I'll be sad to see it go 😿

Did the Trello team survey users of this power-up before deciding to sunset it? The filters might not be a great substitute for users of this power-up depending on their workflows.

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Matt Parks
May 31, 2023

I sold my team on Trello based on this feature. We need to be able to quickly look at our list of clients and see if any haven't been touched in x number of weeks. 

The new activity filter will not provide that capability and it also isn't available on my boards yet. It seems crazy to give Trello users so little notice on this feature being sunset as I'm sure it's a critical feature for plenty of teams. 

If activity views are going to replace card aging, these views need to be able to replicate the features and benefits of card aging, which they clearly do not.

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Wesley Penner
May 31, 2023

I am also sorry to see this feature go. I have not studied the new filtering feature, but I doubt that it will be as useful to me. I do not want to have to go and set a filter - I want to see at a glance which cards are old. Is there a good reason to get rid of this feature? Why not keep it? People only have to use it if they want to.

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Maria Saucedo
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May 31, 2023

I want to be able to see by looking that a card hasn't been touched in a long time! I don't want to have to use a special filter that takes extra steps. This isn't easier: it's making things HARDER.

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May 31, 2023

I hate everything about this. It completely breaks our law firm, which relies on Card Aging to make sure the attorneys move the cards forward in a timely fashion. This sucks.

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Gabriel Gray
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May 31, 2023

Our team are devastated. We want to view cards passively without having to enable filters, we have a PC that we don't touch that is connected to a TV for us all to view. The pirate theme made managing our workload unique and hilarious. Please reconsider this change! 

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Richard J Dolmat
May 31, 2023

Why not add your 'extra step' filters, but keep card aging for the 1000s of users who have implemented it into their process?

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Michael Heikka
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May 31, 2023

Activity filtering will roll out progressively over the next few weeks.  Please give it a try once you are provisioned for it. 

We appreciate the feedback about the Power-Up.  Trello is working to improve accessibility for all current and future Trello users, and as we add color theme support (including light theme and dark themes) we strive to find card filtering solutions that can be used by all Trello users and with any color theme. 

On filtering, Trello filters persist at the board level, so users can set them, visit other boards, and return to their boards with the filter intact (no "new" clicks) to see relevant cards. Filtering is also a core feature, and eliminates the need for users to discover and add Power-Ups to new boards for filtering use cases. 

Multiple filters can also be used together (Show me Overdue cards with no activity in the last 4 weeks, Cards assigned to me with label(s) that are due in the next day with no activity in the last 4 weeks, etc.) 

Lastly, Trello is an open platform and there are other third party Power-Ups that also provide age-based views and insights for your Trello cards that you may choose to explore. 

Nikita W_
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May 31, 2023

Echoing what many others have said, it seems absurd to oust a nice passive power-up and replace it with a worse version that's harder to use. Many teams rely on power-ups that can convey information at a glance, such as Card Aging, and this new filter option is not an adequate replacement.

Edit: Super weird that @Ichiba Japan copied my comment and just rephrased a little and replaced a few words? Idk how to feel about that. Makes it look like I'm part of some bot spam or something :(

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Ichiba Japan
May 31, 2023

It's a real shame to spend time and energy on things that work when it could be invested in others that don't...

This feature is really something extremely useful in our daily work. Filters may be a good enhancement for Trello, but they in no way replace card-aging, which allows us to spot cards on the fly without any specific filtering action required.

I'm pleased to see that many customers have the same concern. Let's hope we'll be heard.

Edit: @Nikita W_ I'm sorry I plagiarized you. I was lazy and took the last comment that expressed my thoughts. I didn't think you'd mind, but I understand and have updated mine. :)

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May 31, 2023

@Michael Heikka Nothing you said about Filtering persistence makes the loss of this power up any better.

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Catia Monteiro
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May 31, 2023

Another vote in favour of keeping the Card Aging Power-Up. It is useful, works really well, is intuitive and doesn't require extra effort after the initial set up. Why remove a tool that just works and is appreciated by so many?

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May 31, 2023

Please dont shut down aging cards!!! is the best part of trello

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Keenan Mock
May 31, 2023

Adding my team's name to the list that will be negatively affected by the removal of Card Aging.

Filtering is great. Big fan. But it does not provide a like-for-like replacement for Card Aging. We need to be able to see all cards in a given list, and know the ages of each of them, relative to all others, at a glance.

Consider the following questions, and how many clicks are required to answer them with Card Aging vs Filtering:

  • What percentage of cards in a given list or board have been active in the last two weeks?
  • Are there any cards in a given list that have not been active in the last four weeks that are ordered above cards that have been active in the last week?
  • How many cards have been active in the last two weeks but have not been active in the last week? Said another way: How many cards were active two weeks ago?

We really hope that sunsetting Card Aging will be reconsidered.

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May 31, 2023

@keenanjmock 100% agree. Not underestimating the power of Filtering, but they are not a like-for-like replacement.

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May 31, 2023

This is incredibly disappointing. As someone who uses Trello to organize my personal and academic lives, I hate to imagine what this change must mean to professional teams. Even so this change still hits me hard, granted with lower stakes.

Card aging is extremely useful in pointing out tasks I'm avoiding.  It's so easy to shuffle my cards around and say it's not as pressing as other tasks, but seeing the card fade before my eyes is a visual signal that's hard to ignore. Forcing filtering will only make things easier to avoid. I recognize this is a personal deficit I need to manage, but it's frustrating having the tool I use to help me do so suddenly drop out from under me.

To echo what many have said before, I'm in no way against filtering. I think it will be helpful in narrowing down what I really need to prioritize, but it's just not a replacement for card aging. Filtering would be so much more powerful in conjunction with aging.

The crux of the matter is this: these tools fulfill fundamentally different needs. Just because they both have to do with time and activity does not mean they're one in the same.

I'll leave you with this analogy. I hope it clears up any confusion. Both my toilet and my cat's litterbox exist to manage bodily waste. By your logic, they should be interchangeable, and I should get rid of my toilet. I don't know about y'all, but I'm not too keen on using a specialized sandbox to fulfill those needs. Don't replace our toilets with litterboxes and try to tell us they're the same.

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Antoine Cormouls
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June 1, 2023

As others have mentioned, the filter system is not appropriate to replace the aging system. It's nice to have the filter, but the two features should always exist together.

The "theming" constraint excuse is so bad.... Just let users use the power up, and users can use the light theme if problems arise with other themes, removing features for "fancy colors" doesn't make sense.

I'm curious to know which product manager authorized this kind of change. It's a huge change.

Please escalate the issue to other product managers to rollback this choice. It's a product regression. 

Also the way this thing happen, is scary for all current trello features...

As a company customer with many teams, we don't want this kind of breaking change, and feature removal.

@Ellie Kulick  @Michael Heikka 

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Maximilian Friedersdorff
June 1, 2023

Damn it Atlassian! First the bitbucket integration and now this one too? It's almost like you want people to pay more money to use Jira or something...

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Achilleas Delenda
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June 1, 2023

Just wanted to add our disappointment to this list. Found it a really useful feature to be able to see at a glance what has not been worked on in a while. Filtering is not a replacement as it will just hide the stagnant cards, not subtly remind us that they are still there.

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Wesley Penner
June 1, 2023

@Michael Heikka So it is a color theme issue? You have many users who use Trello professionally. Just remember that in the professional world functionality trumps color practically all the time. You need to decide - do you want to choose pretty color schemes and risk losing some professional paying clients or have all the functionality and risk losing a few people who play around with the free version of trello just because of pretty color schemes?

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June 1, 2023

Bad change. Please don't make the mistake of fixing functional things. We don't need new nonsense and changes just for the sake of change, but just to make it work as I'm all used to. We pay for functionality. Each of the users adjusts their own Trello and does not want changes in the application but work on tasks. We issue this unnecessary changes error with every windows update. Please don't go this way. It is not better to leave both options. Filtering is fine, but why disrupt an add-on that is key and functional.
It is reasonable to leave both choices. I believe that you care about the users and not just about defending yourself. Thanks.

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Matt Hall
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June 1, 2023

Hello, Atlassian Team: I agree with many of the other comments that were shared here and ask you please reconsider removing this feature. I am a regular user and appreciate the simplicity of this power-up. Yes, the filters are an alternative, but they add additional steps and don't provide a 1-to-1 exchange for the card visibility outcome Card Aging provides. I also prefer Atlassian made power-up's compared to those developed by the community and do not want to seek an alternative. Thanks! 

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Dreamsuite Mike
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June 1, 2023

@Michael Heikka 

Lastly, Trello is an open platform and there are other third party Power-Ups that also provide age-based views and insights for your Trello cards that you may choose to explore. 

If that is the case, any chance you can make the Card Aging source code available to PUP developers?

In fact, to be true to the "openness" of the platform, shouldn't any Trello developed PUP that is retired have its source code released to the community?





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Dustin Waldron
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June 1, 2023

We join the ranks of dissatisfied users who are absolutely outraged by the removal of card aging! As dedicated professionals in Healthcare Project Management, we firmly believe that preserving the invaluable feature of card aging is of utmost importance. It is an indispensable tool that safeguards our mission to prevent projects from ever slipping through the cracks. Without this vital functionality, we face severe setbacks in effectively managing our healthcare projects, compromising the quality of care and potentially endangering lives. We implore the responsible parties to reconsider this ill-advised decision and acknowledge the critical role card aging plays in fulfilling our noble mission.

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