A new way to filter Trello cards (+ saying goodbye to the Card Aging Power-Up)


Bob Gerhard
June 13, 2023

Thank you for keeping the card aging feature, we rely on it. Great feature we greatly appreciate!

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Krissy Lee
June 13, 2023

WOOHOO! Power-up to the People! LOL Thanks guys, this made my day! 🥳😄

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Francis Larose June 13, 2023

Je savais bien que l’équipe Trello allait écouter son public. 

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Gabriel Gray
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June 13, 2023

Thanks Atlassian for keeping pirate aging! This is fantastic news, our team are celebrating this announcement. We're all very pleased :) 

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Andrew Politi
June 13, 2023

@bobby __ Thanks for listening to those of us here; you may have gotten an earful from our success/account team (which you can now ignore haha) after I went on a bit of a rant today haha :) I appreciate this decision!

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Erica Tevyaw
June 13, 2023

This is great news!  Thank you for your everlasting support and customer care!

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Rodrigo Chiong
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June 13, 2023

Thanks @bobby __ and everyone who worked to get this change rolled back :)

Can you please take a look at the new Label dialogs not allowing smooth keyboard navigation as before? Opening a card then hitting "L" then typing a search term should highlight the first available label so hitting "Space" just adds it to the card. Switching between keyboard and mouse is cumbersome (and the previous Labels dialog did support this).

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Francis Larose June 13, 2023


Idée : créer une troisième version visuelle au power-up CardAging, par exemple style Moyen-Âge ou avec des toiles d’araignée ?

Matt Hall
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June 14, 2023

Trello Team, thank you for keeping this feature and giving us an opportunity to speak into these decisions! 

Wesley Penner
June 14, 2023

Thank you Trello Team for listening. It is much appreciated.

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Jon Fryer
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June 20, 2023

Dear Trello Team - thank you for listening to your user community!

The decision to keep card ageing has made my team very happy!

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June 20, 2023

I join all the Community users here – Thank you Trello Team :-)

Brittany Joiner
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June 21, 2023

Ah i see all the folks who are upset about any sort of change in Trello have found this post as well.  Guess im in the minority, but i'm personally excited for this new filter option.

And before anyone wants to come for me because of my lack of sadness or my positivity or "you don't care about what we're saying, we're mad"... I get it, i've definitely had things change in Trello that i didn't love either. But I understand that companies can't always maintain a thousand features for forever, and the Trello product team can only do so much with what they've got. There's so much discussion in the community these days about the aesthetics of Trello, but personally i find the real power lies behind the automation and integrations/API, and i'm thankful automation hasn't lost any resources, and in fact i've seen just the opposite-even more features added there!

One more thing I'd just like to add because i am seeing this trend across a lot of posts - everyone thinks "no one is listening" but I know folks at Atlassian/Trello that are reading these community posts and comments and taking in the feedback. They just don't have an entire army of engineers that can do everything, and there's only so many ways to respond to feedback when everyone is saying the same thing. 

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Matthew Parks
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June 21, 2023

@Brittany Joiner Sorry, did you actually read through the previous comments before you posted? No one is upset about filtering. People were upset because a crucial aspect to many teams’ workflows were threatened by the removal of the Card Aging Power-Up with no suitable replacement.

Thankfully, the Trello team has already let us know that they will not be deprecating this feature so I’m not sure why you’re here telling us that Trello reads these comments… we know they read the comments, and they have already responded in them multiple times & resolved the issue.

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July 5, 2023

Thanks for listening to us Team Trello! Really appreciate it <3


Please could you enhance the feature with more colour & styling options?

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